Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

We hope you all have a most wonderful Valentine's with your furless family.   The rescue that we got our wonderful sisfur Maddie from is doing a food drive for February and Valentine's Day.  If you wanted to show some pups some love this would be a great way.

Just click on the flyer to make it big and readable.

They have setup so you can donate right from their webpage:  Big Dogs Huge Paws


Mr. Nubbin'


  1. We hope they get lots of donations.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. It is always nice meeting new friends. And, you gave us such great words of encouragement on Monday. Dogs never realize that they have special needs, they just accept what comes. And we can sure love them. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Sweet William The Scot
