Monday, May 24, 2010

Good to the Last Drop!

So this weekend was get stuff done weekend.  After finishing up moving about 200 2 tons of rock dad and favoriest Aunt Jaime were sitting on the back porch.  Aunt Jaime was drinking coffee and I decided to check it out.

I even tried to show Jada how good it was.  

We also wanted to send out special hugs to Maxmom.  Max crossed over the Rainbow Bridge today.  :-(  
Godspeed Max!


  1. You are a coffee hound! That's OK. So's my Daddy and he's not even canine, really.

    wags, Lola

  2. I haven't tried coffee, but hot chocolate is delicious! So is apple cider!


  3. wow did you get like uber hyper after all that coffee our mommish talks a mile a minute after one of those. yes our dearest furryend maxdog will be missed by the world round. but we shall meet one day again and boy will that be one happy day for all of us.

    pibble wiggles
    the pittie pack

  4. Oh! I LUVS coffee! I can't believe you've never had any before! Isn't it the best? Brudder Ranger doesn't like it cuz, well, he's crazy. Oh, Boomer! We haves so much in common!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  5. Next time it's Mountain Dew! -Favoritest Aunt Jaime

  6. Moms and Dad drink coffee, but we've never tried it ourselves.

    Woofs and Kisses!
    The Fiesty Three

  7. Uh oh...did you guys do lots of zoomies after you drank the coffee?? That is what my Mama does!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  8. Was it good? We always try to sneak a lick of Mom's but she always moves the cup before we can.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  9. You surely will not be taking naps today! ZOOM ZOOM ZOOMIES ALL DAY LONG! WOOO!

    Wags and woofs,
    Mack and Mia

  10. Hi Boomer!
    Guess what? I found out about you because I read your comment about The Booker Man's Floppy Eared Contest gifts! And guess what? I helped my mom pack the gifts and I helped figure out that Booker should be the winner! Wasn't that nice of me? And guess what? I am your newest follower! And guess what else? I think you have a cool name and I think you and I are gonna be good furriend beclaws I drink my dad's coffee and I'm glad another dog out there has good taste!
    Daisy the Coonhound

  11. mr nubbin'!
    i've nevarrr had coffee before, but my mama drinks it down like nobuddy's business. then she gets like 50 gazillion thingies done in 10 minutes. did you get a lot of stuff 'n thingies done in 10 minutes, too?
    oh, and i see you've met my friend miss daisy! she and her mama were the ones that had the caption contest. me and asa and mama's winning caption was "backseat snoozers -- the preferred alternative to beackseat drivers".
    the booker man

    pee s -- i'm also totally jelly of you and miss jada now cuz your parents work at home all day with you!! that's totally awesome sauce!

  12. H'mm. I think coffee is one of those things for which you have to acquire a taste. And why do that when you can have tea?


  13. Hey Boomer! Long time, no see! Sorry we've been so bad about visiting - I think we are finally catching up, though! I'll have to try some of mom's coffee - although the last thing I need is MORE energy!

    Caffeinated Snorts-
    Brutus the Frenchie
